Application Entity Overview
Application Portfolio Management (APM) provides several types of entities. The types of entities and the sections and fields that are available to you in an entity depend on the type of APM user you are and the role or roles assigned to you. While APM analysts could have access to all types of entities, APM users typically have access to only application entities—and to some or all of the sections within an application entity.
Note: You are able to view and edit all sections of entities that you create and entities for which you are the owner.
This appendix provides information about application entities, including descriptions of the application entity fields by section. Refer to this appendix and the online help for field-level information when you are creating, searching for, or updating an application entity.
Depending on your organization's implementation of APM, the fields available to you within an application entity might be different from the fields described in this appendix. If your organization's implementation of APM provides you with access to additional entities or fields, see the Application Portfolio Management Analyst's Guide for their descriptions.
For additional information about application entities, including how to perform tasks such as creating, searching, and editing entities, see Managing Application Entities.