Bubble chart portlet

Figure 3-15. Set up Display Options for bubble chart portlets

Table 3-11. Set up Display Options field descriptions for bubble chart portlets

Field Name (*Required)


Chart Title

Specify a name for the chart.

Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

*X-Axis Source

Select the source column for the x-axis.

Choices are limited to those columns available in your portlet data source.

X-Axis Label

Specify a label for the x-axis.

Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

*Y-Axis Source

Select the numeric source column for the y-axis.

Choices are limited to those columns available in your portlet data source.

Y-Axis Label

Specify a label for the y-axis.

Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

*Bubble Size Source

Select the source column for the size of the bubble.

Choices are limited to those columns available in your portlet data source.

Bubble Size Label

Specify the label for the bubble size.

Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

Color Source

Select the source for the color.

See Customize portlet colors for details.

Color Label Source

Select the source for the labels associated with the colors.

Color Label

Specify the label for the legend.

Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

Tooltip Source

Select the source column for the tooltip to be displayed when the cursor hovers over an item.

Choices are limited to those columns available in your portlet data source.

Hyperlink Options

Specify whether the column can be linked to another page or portlet, or updates the other portlets on this page.

Choices include:

  • No Hyperlink. Links to other pages are not allowed.

  • Hyperlink Source. Link to the selected column.

  • Drilldown to Portlet. Drill down to the selected portlet.

  • Portlet Event. Update the portlets on this page. See Define a portlet event for details.

Note: You can limit the number of bubbles displayed in the bubble chart by setting the   MAX_BUBBLE_CHART_RESULT parameter. By default, up to 500 bubbles are displayed. See the Installation and Administration Guide for more information about setting this parameter.

Setting the Displayed Color Label Length for a Bubble Chart

If the legend of a bubble chart contains many color labels, the labels may be truncated. You can extend the displayed color label length by doing the following:

  1. Edit the <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/dashboard.war/static/app/portlet/css/BubbleChart.css file:

    1. Find the maxLegendItemLength key and increase its value. The value is in pixels. About 1,000 pixels is equal to the 200 character color label length limit.

    2. Save the file.

  2. Repeat Step 1 for all nodes in a cluster.

  3. Restart the PPM Server.