Configure notifications for workflow steps

You can configure notifications to be sent when a workflow step becomes eligible or after a workflow step is completed. Notifications can inform a user of a task (workflow step) to perform, such as review and approve a new request. Notifications can also inform a group of users of the results of a task (workflow step). You configure notifications on the Notifications tab in the Workflow Step window.

Note: If you have installed and enabled the Mobility Access add-on, you can configure notifications for decision steps to be acted on by PPM Center users from their email inboxes. For information, see PPM Mobility Access

Review your Workflow Step Worksheet for notification information.

To add a notification to a workflow step:

  1. On the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, click Configuration > Workflows.

  2. Open a workflow.

  3. On the Layout tab in the Workflow window, double-click a workflow step.

  4. In the Workflow Step window, click the Notifications tab.

  5. Click New.

    The Add Notification for Step: <Step_Name> window opens to the Setup tab.

  6. From the Event list, select an event to trigger the new notification, and then do one of the following:

    • If you selected ALL or Eligible, proceed to step 7.

    • If you selected Specific Result, then from the Value list, select a step result to trigger the notification.

    • If you selected Specific Error, then from the Error list, select an error to trigger the notification.

  7. From the Interval list, select the time interval at which to send a triggered notification.

  8. In the Recipients section, do one of the following:

    • Click New, and then use the Add New Recipient window to select the notification recipients (users, security groups, or tokens).

    • To specify the users or groups listed on the Security tab for the step as notification recipients, click Copy Security.

    • If you have installed and enabled the Mobility Access add-on, the Enable Decision by Email checkbox is available. In this case, you can configure notifications for decision steps to be acted on by PPM users from their email inboxes. For details, see PPM Mobility Access.
    • If you have enabled the PPM Chatbot feature, the Enable Decision by Chatbot checkbox is available. In this case, you can configure notifications for decision steps to be acted on by users from the Teams messages sent to them. For details, see PPM Chatbot.
  9. Click the Message tab.

  10. From the Notification Format list, select the format for the message content.

  11. From the Notification Template list, select a template to use.

  12. Configure the body of the notification, and then click OK.

    The Notifications tab lists the new notification details. To send a different notification to other recipients for a different event, click New, and then repeat this process.

    You might want to send different notifications for a single workflow step if, for example:

    • A step has several possible results, which require different responses.

    • The notification content depends on the type of error encountered.

    • Depending on the type of step error that occurs, you want to notify recipients at different time intervals.

  13. Click OK.