Configure request header types

Request header types define the fields in the request headers, typically containing general information tracked across different types of requests. Every request type must include a request header type; a same request header type can be used across multiple request types.

Overview of request header types

Request header types typically contain general information such as the person who logged the request, priority, and a description of an issue.

The following table lists the predefined request header types that are ready for use. You can also create custom request header types using the workbench or the web UI.

System Header Type




Default request header type. Includes a percentage complete (% Complete) field.


Displays all information. Consistent with previous versions of PPM.


Displays only the most essential information.


Example request header type for simple cross-departmental requests.


Example request header type for simple cross-application requests.

Help Desk

Example request header type for help desk requests, including contact and assignment information.

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Configure request header types from Web UI

Request header types contain a set of standard predefined fields that can be enabled or disabled. You can also add custom fields to a request header type. This section provides details on how to configure request header types from Web UI.

To configure a request header type from Web UI:

  1. Click the Administration button in the masthead.

  2. From the Administration menu, select Demand Management > Manage Request Header Types.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • To create a new request header type, click the Add button , enter a name for the request header type and then click Add.

    • To configure an existing request header type, click the name link of the request header type. You can use the Search box to quickly find a request header type by keywords in the name or description.

    • To copy a request header type, select it, click the Copy button , enter a name for the copied request header type, and then click Copy.

  4. On the Request Header Type Setting page, click the General tab, and configure the general information for the request header type as described in the table below:



    Request Header Type Name


    Enter a name for the request header type.

    Reference Code


    Enter a code for the request header type.


    Enter a description for the request header type.


    For request header types created for an Deployment Management extension, select the extension from the list.


    To make the request header type available for use, turn on the switch.


    Configure which user groups can edit the request header type.

    • To allow all users with the Edit Request Header Type access grant to edit the request header type, select the All users with Edit Request Header Type access can edit this request header type option.

    • To allow specific user groups to edit the request header type, select the Only users with below security groups can edit this request header type option and click Add Security Group to select the target security groups.

  5. Every request header type has a set of predefined fields. You can add additional fields for the request header type by creating custom fields or adding one or more field groups.

    To add additional fields to a request header type:

    1. Click the Fields tab.

    2. To add a custom field, click Add and then configure the field. The steps are identical to creating fields for a request type, for details, see Create request type fields using Web UI.

    3. To add one or more field groups to the request header type, click Field Group and then select the target field groups. For details about field groups, see Request header type field groups .

    Note: Request header type fields are stored in the KCRT_REQ_HEADER_DETAILS table, which has only 50 columns available. You cannot create a Table Component type field for a request header type.

  6. Click the Layout tab and configure the display of request header type fields. The steps are identical to configuring layout for a request type, for details, see Configure field layout using Web UI.

    Note: When adjusting the position of a section, note that moving a section to the bottom of the page does not save the changes. Instead, move the last section up to place your desired section at the bottom.

  7. Click Save.

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Configure request header types from workbench

This section provides details on how to configure request header types from the workbench.

To configure request header types from workbench:

  1. On the workbench shortcut bar, click Demand Mgmt > Request Header Types.

  2. In the Request Header Type Workbench, click a request header type or New to create a new request header type.

  3. In the Request Header Type window, complete the general information for the request header type. For details about the field information, see Request header type general information.

  4. Click the Fields tab to add additional fields to the request header type. You can add custom fields or field groups:

  5. Click the Layout tab to configure the layout of the request header type fields. The steps are identical to configuring layout for a request type, for details, see Configure field layout using PPM Workbench.

  6. Click the Filter tab to configure filters for the request header type. Provide the information specified in the following table:



    This section of the Contact Name field is limited by:

    • All Contacts: Limits the number of contact names displayed in the Contact Name field when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of the contact name options available in the Filter tab. Selecting this option displays all users with no restrictions on the list of contact names.

    • The Company field of the Request: Users can limit the number of contact names shown in the Contact Name field when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of the contact name options available in the Filter tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of contact names shown to those found in the Company field of the request.

    • Use Validation defined in the Fields tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of contact names shown to those found in the Contact Name field of the request.

    This section of the Assigned Group Field is limited by:

    • Only Security Groups with the Request option enabled. Users can limit the number of group names shown when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of two Assigned Group options available on the Filter tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of group names shown to only those security groups where the request option is enabled.

    • Participants only. Users can limit the number of group names they would see when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of two Assigned Group options available on the Filter tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of group names shown to participants in the request.

    • Use Validation defined in the Fields tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of contact names shown to those found in the Contact Name field of the request.

    This section of the Assigned To field is limited by:

    • Only users who are in Security Groups with the Request option enabled. Limit the number of user names displayed in the Assigned To field when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of two Assigned To options available in the Filter tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of user names the user would see to only those security groups where the request option is enabled.

    • Participants only. Users can limit the number of user names shown in the Assigned To field when creating or updating a request header type by selecting one of two Assigned To options available in the Filter tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of user names shown to participants of the request. In this instance, participants are defined as the assigned user, the creator of the request, members of the assigned group, or members of the workflow.

    • Use Validation defined in the Fields tab. Selecting this option restricts the displayed list of contact names shown to those found in the Contact Name field of the request.

  7. Click the Ownership tab to configure who can edit the request header type. The steps are identical to configuring who can edit a request type. For details, see Configure ownerships of request types.

  8. Use the User Data tab to define additional information for the request header type. Product entities like packages and projects include standard fields that provide general information about these entities. While these fields are usually sufficient for daily processing, user data fields enable you to capture additional information specific to each organization. If no user data fields are defined, the User Data tab is disabled.

  9. The References tab lists reference information for the request header type.

  10. Click OK to save the changes and close the window, or click Save to save the changes and leave the window open.

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