Decision Workflow Step Worksheets

Table A-5. Workflow step [decision], step number ____

Workflow Step


Step Name


Goal/Result of Step




Decisions Required

(Vote on Step's outcome?)

  • One

  • At Least One

  • All

Timeout (Days)


Security (who can act on step):

  • Security Group

  • User Name

  • Standard Token

  • User Defined Token


Include Notification (Yes/No)


Notification Event


Notification Recipient:

  • Username

  • Email Address

  • Security Group

  • Standard Token

  • User Defined Token


Notification Message


Request Status at Step


Request % Complete at Step


Parent Assigned To User


Authentication Required (Y/N)


Authentication Type (if Y)


Table A-6. Workflow step [decision], step number ____ validation

Validation Information*


Existing Validation?


New Validation?


Validation Type: (text field, auto-complete, or list)


Validation Definition (list of values or SQL)