Configuring A Single Email Notification for Multiple Recipients with Different Locales

When sending email notifications of a workflow step or request field change, PPM behaves as follows by default:

  • For PPM users who have already logged on to PPM at least once (or valid PPM users), the columns LANGUAGE_FORMAT_CODE and REGION_FORMAT_CODE in the table KNTA_USER_REGIONAL_SETTINGS indicate their user locales. PPM send email notifications according to their user locales.

  • For non-PPM users and PPM users who have never logged on to PPM (or invalid PPM users), the columns LANGUAGE_FORMAT_CODE and REGION_FORMAT_CODE for them are null. PPM sends freestanding emails to them.

As a result, email notifications are sent to recipients in several batches. To avoid split email issue, do the following:

  1. Set the USE_SERVER_LOCALE_FOR_NOTIFICATIONS server configuration parameter value to true. This ensures that OpenText PPM sends an email notification to all recipients in one go.

    The USE_SERVER_LOCALE_FOR_NOTIFICATIONS parameter flags whether or not to check notification recipient regional settings. Setting the parameter value to true ignores recipients' regional settings, and uses the values of server configuration parameters SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE and SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE instead. This ensures that recipients are not split into different groups according to their regional settings.

  2. Set a value for the SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE server configuration parameter in the server.conf file.

    Valid values are any two-letter abbreviation of a country in uppercase. For example, if you want to set the regional settings to United States, set the SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE server configuration parameter to US.

  3. Set a value for the SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE server configuration parameter in the server.conf file.

    Valid values are any two-letter abbreviation of a language in lowercase. For example, if you want to set the regional settings to United States, set the SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE server configuration parameter to en.

Note: These parameters have no impact to the notifications from the Resource Management module.

When you set the USE_SERVER_LOCALE_FOR_NOTIFICATIONS to false, the server locale parameters SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE and SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE are used to define default locale for non-PPM users and invalid PPM users. The values of the server locale parameters replace the values of the columns REGION_FORMAT_CODE and LANGUAGE_FORMAT_CODE respectively.

In this case, non-PPM users and invalid PPM users are grouped with those valid PPM users who share the same users locale as defined by the server locale parameters. In this case, non-PPM users and invalid users are regarded as valid PPM users in receiving email notifications. However, email notifications are sent in batches in different languages to recipients according to their regional settings.

Note: The parameters SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE and SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE cannot be null, or email notifications cannot be sent to external email addresses.