Executing Object Type Commands

Different objects stored in the package line require unique processing at different points in a process. For example, the commands needed to migrate a file are different than the commands needed to migrate data. Therefore, it is possible to program the commands on an object type basis. The workflow can then be configured to run the object type commands at a specific step in the process. Each package line will run its own commands, ensuring the correct execution for that object type.

Deployment Management includes the execution workflow step source DLV Execution w/ Reset that runs object type commands. Use this step source unless it does not meet the required specifications, such as validation or processing type.

To create this execution step source, make a copy of the execution workflow step source DLV Execution w/ Reset, and change the field values as defined in Table 4-1. Execution window values to run object type commands.

Table 4-1. Execution window values to run object type commands

Field Name



Type a descriptive name for the step source

Workflow Scope


Execution Type

Built-in Workflow Event

Workflow Event


Processing Type

Manual or Immediate


WF - Standard Execution Results (This is the default selection. You can select another existing or create a new validation.)

