Creating Object Type Fields
You can configure each field to behave in a certain way using the Field configuration window in the Object Type window, click a field to open the Field window (see Figure 5-3. Field window). The Field window contains three tabs:
Attributes: Used to set basic display, edit, and requirement field properties.
Default: Used to set the value in the field.
Dependencies: Used to set clearing, display, and requirement field properties based on values in other object type fields.
From the Field window, configure whether the field:
Is displayed (for example, you might need to store a value for later use in commands, but do not want to clutter the package line)
Can be edited under different circumstances
Is required under different circumstances
Defaults to a certain value
Is dependent on values in other fields in the object type
Clear the field's value when another field changes
Display only when another field has a specific value
Required only when another field has a specific value