Run incremental ETL jobs
The load script that you run during Operational Reporting deployment performs a full ETL to load all OpenText PPM data into the Operational Reporting database schema. Incremental ETL jobs are scheduled to run automatically every 24 hours thereafter. These incremental ETL jobs cover the day-to-day updates for the OpenText PPM data tables.
Run incremental ETL jobs automatically
The incremental ETL job that runs automatically every 24 hours is named PPM_ETL_BATCH_JOB. You can use an Oracle command to reschedule or change the frequency of the PPM_ETL_BATCH_JOB run.
For information on how to reschedule the PPM_ETL_BATCH_JOB, see the Oracle Database Online Documentation.
Run incremental ETL jobs manually
To manually run an incremental ETL batch job immediately:
Navigate to the
directory. -
Open the
file (
) file in a text editor, and then replace the parameter placeholders with valid values, as shown in the following table.Parameter
Reporting DB Schema Name
Operational Reporting database
schema nameReporting DB TNS Name
Operational Reporting database
Any job name
Run the
) file.Example:
call sample_onetime_batch.bat REPORTING SCHEMA ORASID TEST_ETL_JOB
When you are prompted, type the password for the Operational Reporting database schema.
To check the job progress, see Check ETL job progress.
Check ETL job progress
To check the job progress, you can query the RPT_EVENT_LOG_DETAIL
table, as follows:
select event_time, lead(event_time,1) over (order by event_log_id desc), round((event_time - lead(event_time,1) over (order by event_log_id desc))*24*60 ,2) durations, t1.* from rpt_event_log_detail t1 order by event_log_id desc;
where the value of event_time
must contain both date value and time value.
If the value of event_time
does not contain date value or time value, configure the settings in Oracle client tool as follows:
Open Oracle SQL Developer.
Click Tools > Preferences.
In the left pane, expand Database (if it is not already expanded).
Under Database, click NLS.
Set the date format to: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS
Click OK.
To view the status of an incremental ETL job, you can query the job control tables (RPT_ETL_JOB and RPT_EVENT_LOG_DETAIL tables).
Verify successful incremental ETL jobs
To determine whether the last incremental ETL job run completed successfully, run the following:
select event_time, lead(event_time,1) over (order by event_log_id desc), round((event_time - lead(event_time,1) over (order by event_log_id desc))*24*60 ,2) durations, t1.* from rpt_event_log_detail t1 order by event_log_id desc;
SELECT * FROM rpt_etl_job ORDER BY etl_job_id desc;
where the value of event_time
must contain both date value and time value.
If the value of event_time
does not contain date value or time value, configure the settings in Oracle client tool. For detailed steps, see If the value of event_time does not contain date value or time value, configure the settings in Oracle client tool as follows: .
Note: We recommend that you delete the contents of the RPT_EVENT_LOG_DETAIL and
RPT_ETL_JOB_ORDERr tables at least once a month to prevent them from becoming too large. You must delete the contents manually.
Check ETL job count
To see the count of incremental ETL jobs, run the following script:
select * from rpt_event_log_detail where msg like '%The count of%';
It would return message like the following:
The count of CM_ETL_DAILY:1 The count of RM_ETL_DAILY:2 The count of TM_ETL_DAILY:3 The count of FM_ETL_DAILY:0 The count of PM_ETL_DAILY:1
See also: