Cost Calculation Settings

Cost data that involves roll-ups from other sources is recalculated system-wide on a periodic basis. These types of cost data can include the following possible scenarios:

  • Work plan tasks roll up planned and actual cost data to summary tasks

  • Work plan actual cost data rolls up to the project financial summary

  • Project actual cost data rolls up to the program financial summary

Since these roll-up calculations are performed periodically, cost data for one entity may not match its dependent entity until the next calculation interval.

Periodic cost roll-up is performed system-wide and is governed by the server.conf parameter described in Table 2-2. server.conf parameter for periodic cost calculations and scheduled services described in Table 2-3. Scheduled services for periodic cost calculations.

Table 2-2. server.conf parameter for periodic cost calculations



Default Value


Determines if a project manager has the option of forcing the system to calculate roll-ups upon saving entries to the Enter Actuals page, rather than waiting.


Table 2-3. Scheduled services for periodic cost calculations



Default Values

Cost Rollup Service

Determines if periodic cost roll-up calculations are performed and the frequency with which the roll-up calculations are performed.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 1 hour

FX Rate Update Service

Determines if financial exchange rates are recalculated after updates are made to them and the frequency with which financial exchange rate rules are checked for updates and costs recalculated.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 2 hours

Cost Rate Rule Update Service

Determines if costs are recalculated after updates are made to cost rate rules and the frequency with which cost rate rules are checked for updates and costs recalculated.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 1 hour

Periodic roll-up of other information is also performed system-wide:

  • Roll-up of task information to summary tasks is deferred when resources enter task actuals through the My Tasks portlet or time sheets.

  • Calculation of schedule exceptions and schedule health for work plans is deferred when resources enter task actuals, or when work plan schedule information is updated through Microsoft Project.

These calculations are governed by the scheduled services described in Table 2-4. Scheduled services for work plan information.

Table 2-4. Scheduled services for work plan information



Default Values

Task Actual Rollup Service

Determines if periodic task actual roll-up calculations are performed and the frequency with which the task actual roll-up calculations are performed.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 250 seconds

Exception Rule Service

Determines if task exceptions are recalculated and the frequency with which task exceptions are recalculated.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 1 hour

Task Scheduler Service

Determines if the work plan schedule health is recalculated and the frequency with which work plan schedule health is recalculated.

Status: Enabled

Schedule Type: Simple

Schedule: 1 minute