Configuring Project Details Tab Fields

Overview of Configuring Project Details Tab Fields

This section provides details on the fields in the Project Details tab of the Project Overview page, and how to modify them to suit your business needs, if desired.

Project Details Tab Fields

The Details tab of the Project Overview page contains fields delivered ready to use for projects. These fields and their workflow interactions are contained and defined by a request type that can be altered in the PPM Workbench.

  • If you have not installed Portfolio Management, the request type delivered by default is called Project Details and is specified in the default project type. Its fields are described in Table 3-1. Default project fields.

  • If you have installed Portfolio Management, another request type is provided called PFM - Project. Its fields are discussed in the Portfolio Management Configuration Guide.

Table 3-1. Default project fields

Field Name


Summary section

Project No.

A number that uniquely identifies the project. This field cannot be altered.

Project Name

The name of the project. This field should be made visible and editable if you want users to be able to change the project name.

Project Manager

The manager of the project.

This field can be made editable, but it is recommended that it be made display-only, and that project managers be defined using the project's Configure Participants page.

Planned Start Period

The planned start date for the project. This field should not be altered.

Planned Finish Period

The planned finish date for the project. This field should not be altered.

Project Status

The status of the project. This field should not be altered.

Project Health

The overall health of the project. This field should not be altered.


A brief description of the project.

Benefits Manager

The manager of benefits of the project's financial summary.

PFM Project section

Business Unit

The business unit from which this project originated.

Business Objective

The business objective with which the project is aligned.

Project Dependencies

Any dependencies the project has.

Staffing Profile

The resource demand of the project. This field is read-only and should not be altered, as the staffing profile can be accessed from the Project Summary tab of the Project Overview page.

Net Present Value

If enabled, the NPV for the project. (For a definition, see the Portfolio Management Configuration Guide.)

Associated Programs

Name of the program(s) to which the project is associated. This field is a link to the program. The programs listed are only those programs to which you have the View Programs, Edit Programs, or Edit All Programs access grant.

The project can be associated to only one program that has Portfolio Management enabled. The project can be associated to one or more programs that do not have Portfolio Management enabled. To add or remove an association to a program, go to the program's overview page.

Financial Summary

Name of the financial summary for the project. This field is a link to the financial summary.

Configuring Project Details Tab Fields

The fields on the Details tab do not need to be set up or altered in any way before you start using Project Management. But, if you want to change them, they can be customized to suit your business needs in the following ways:

  • Viewing and editing security on certain fields can be altered.

  • Certain individual field names and values can be changed.

  • Fields themselves can be configured to be hidden, visible, or read-only depending on what stage has been reached in the project process, which is driven by the workflow discussed in Configuring the Project Process.

  • New fields can be added to capture any information not already covered.

These fields and their workflow interactions are contained and defined by a request type that can be altered in the PPM Workbench.

  • If you have not installed Portfolio Management, the request type delivered by default is called Project Details and is specified in the default project type.

  • If you have installed Portfolio Management, another request type is provided called PFM - Project.

  • If you choose to configure your own request type to define the Details tab, you must include the PFM Project field group in the request header type. For more details on field groups and request header types, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.

If you want to add other lifecycle and planning information to the project, we recommend that you create a new section in the request type and add the new fields there.

For general recommendations on altering this request type in the context of Portfolio Management, see the Portfolio Management Configuration Guide.

User access to these request types should be carefully considered. The User Access tab of the Request Type window defines user access to the request type, which in turn defines the list of users who can participate in the project process. These project process participants can see all the projects whose Details tab is governed by that request type.

For more detailed information on creating and modifying request type fields, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.