Create demand sets
To create a demand set:
Log on to PPM.
Click the Administration button in the masthead.
From the Administration menu, select Demand Sets & Processes > Manage Demand Sets to open the Demand Sets page.
Click Create New Demand Set.
The Demand Set - New Demand Set page opens.
In the Name field, type the name of the new demand set.
In the Description field, you can type a short description of the demand set.
Note: Until you add at least one field to the demand set and map it to a request type (see Configuring Demand Set Fields ), the Enabled option is unavailable. After you add fields and map them to request types, you can make the demand set available to the system.
Click the Request Types tab.
In the Add Request Type field, select an IT demand request type from the list.
The selected IT demand request type is displayed in the Add Request Type field.
Next to the Add Request Type field, click Add.
The IT demand request type is added to the demand set. The IT demand request type is displayed in the Request Types field. You must map all of the demand set fields to the IT demand request type fields before adding another IT demand request type to the demand set.
Click Create.
A message window opens.
Read the message and click OK.
The demand set is created.