IT Demand Schedule Fields

Once IT demand is created, an IT manager or IT work scheduler must decide when to start work on the IT demand, the estimated effort required, when the IT demand is satisfied, and if the IT demand should be rejected.

Figure 3-3. IT demand schedule fields

Table 3-3. IT demand scheduling fields lists the IT demand scheduling fields.

Table 3-3. IT demand scheduling fields

Field Name


Estimated Start Date

The anticipated date when the task to complete the IT demand will start. The Estimated Start Date is provided by the IT manager or responsible IT work scheduler.

Estimated Effort

The Estimated Effort is set by a rule. This rule can be changed for your specific request type. The following lists the default effort associated with the IT demand request type:

  • DEM - Application Bug = 2

  • DEM - Application Enhancement = 5

  • DEM - Initiative = 5

  • DEM - Database Refresh = 1

Reject Date

The date the request was rejected. The Reject Date is provided by the IT manager or responsible IT work scheduler.

Demand Satisfied Date

The date the IT demand was completed. The Demand Satisfied Date is provided by the IT manager or responsible IT work scheduler.