ALM - Non Release Sub WF Subworkflow

The ALM - Non Release Sub WF subworkflow provides a modular process for change deployment that can communicate automatically with Quality Center. If no integration exists, a manual process is also provided. Figure 3-11 shows the subworkflow. ALM - Non Release Sub WF Subworkflow lists the important steps in the subworkflow and the user roles associated with those steps.

Figure 3-11. ALM - Non Release Sub WF subworkflow
Table 3-8. ALM - Non Release Sub WF subworkflow steps

Step Name

User Security


1. Approve Deployment to TEST

ALM - Change Manager

Coordinate the change implementation to the test environment.

4. Quality Process Mode

ALM - QA Manager

Determine the quality process mode, either automatic through Quality Center or manual.

5. Run Tests

ALM - Independent Tester

If manual mode is chosen in the Quality Process Mode step, the changes need to be manually tested based on test plans.

6. Quality Center Test Execution

ALM - Independent Tester

If Quality Center mode is chosen in the Quality Process Mode step, once QA signals through Quality Center that Test execution is complete, this step moves the workflow ahead.

8. Evaluate Quality

ALM - QA Manager

Approve/reject the quality of the change deployed to the test environment.

9. Impact & Resource Assessment Sub WF


Call a subworkflow to determine the impact on dependent infrastructure components and estimate the time and cost of resources, as described in ALM - Impact & Resource Assessment Sub WF Subworkflow.

15. Rework Change

ALM - Applications Development Manager

If the quality of the change deployed to the test environment is rejected, the change must be fixed.

10. Approve Deployment to LIVE

ALM - Change Manager

Coordinate the change implementation to the production environment.

14. Running Sanity Tests in Quality Center

ALM - Independent Tester

Run sanity tests in Quality Center.