Changes to Quality Center Value Lists and Workflows Made by the Integration Tool
When the user enables a Quality Center project for integration using the OpenText PPM-Quality Center Integration Tool, the tool performs one of the following actions:
If the project is new, the tool creates Quality Center value lists and adds Quality Center workflow scripts to the user's existing scripts.
If the project already exists, the tool updates some of the Quality Center value lists so that those lists contain the same values as they would for a new project.
The lists and Quality Center scripts create a Quality Center project that can work as is with the provided ALM request types and workflows.
As described in the following sections, the integration tool changes the value lists and workflow enforcement in a Quality Center project to enable the project for integration.
Changes to Value Lists
As part of enabling a Quality Center project for integration and establishing a field mapping, the integration tool adds two new value lists and adds a new value to an existing default value list in Quality Center, as follows:
New Requirement Status value list, with the following values:
1-Requirements Setup Completed
2-Test Plan Setup Completed
3-Test Lab Setup Completed
4-Running Tests in Quality Center
5-Test Execution Completed
6-Running Sanity Tests in Quality Center
7-Sanity Testing Completed
New Test Level value list, with the following values:
New default value of Deleted for the existing Bug Status value list
Workflow Enforcement
As part of enabling a Quality Center project for integration and establishing a field mapping, the integration tool updates the Quality Center project workflow to enforce the following constraints on Quality Center entities:
Defect. The user can make only the following status changes:
Fixed to Closed
Rejected to Closed
Fixed to Reopen
Requirement. The user can make only the following status changes:
New to 1-Requirements Setup Completed
1-Requirements Setup Completed to 2-Test Plan Setup Completed
2-Test Plan Setup Completed to 3-Test Lab Setup Completed
4-Running Tests in Quality Center to 5-Test Execution Completed
6-Running Sanity Tests in Quality Center to 7-Sanity Testing Completed