Configure Release Control for the integration

This topic describes the tasks that must be performed to configure Release Control for integration.

Note: For more information about the steps in this procedure, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

Before you begin

Before you begin the configuration, you should verify that web services are enabled for use with OpenText PPM.

To verify that web services are enabled for use:

  1. Stop the PPM Server.

  2. Open the server.conf file located in the <PPM_Home> directory.

  3. Verify that the ENABLE_WEB_SERVICES parameter is set to true.

  4. Run the script. For details, see

  5. Restart the PPM Server.

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Configure the OpenText PPM web services adapter

To establish integration, you must configure the OpenText PPM web services adapter in Release Control to convert change requests that come from OpenText PPM to generic requests that Release Control can process.

To configure the PPM web services adapter:

  1. Configure the OpenText PPM web services connector settings as described in the Release Control Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Note: Before version 7.0, OpenText PPM was known as Mercury IT Governance Center or ITG. Release Control software and documentation might still refer to OpenText PPM as IT Governance Center or ITG.

  2. In the itg-ws-adapter.settings file, under <request-type level="1">, set the requestTypeName to the name of the OpenText PPM request type representing a OpenText PPM release, for example, ALM - Release Management.

  3. In the itg-ws-adapter.settings file, under <request-type level="2">, set the requestTypeName to the name of the OpenText PPM request type representing a OpenText PPM change, for example, ALM - Request for Change (RFC), and set the parentRequestTypeName to the value of the requestTypeName in step 2.

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Configure the JavaScript files

Configure the JavaScript files in Release Control for the integration with OpenText PPM.

Note: If OpenText PPM is (or will be) integrated with Universal CMDB as well, additional configuration steps may be required in Release Control before configuring the JavaScript.

Refer to documentation for Release Control and contact Release Control Support as necessary.

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