
This command copies a file from the temporary package transfer directory on the application server to the destination server environment. This temporary directory is automatically cleaned up after an execution completes and can be referenced using the [AS.PKG_TRANSFER_PATH] token.

ksc_copy_server_tmp parameters

Parameter Default token Description
SUB_PATH [P.P_SUB_PATH] The sub-directory that should be used to locate the file relative to the base path of each environment
DEST_BASE_PATH [DEST_ENV. SERVER_BASE_PATH] The base path of the destination server environment to be used instead of what is defined for the current destination environment
FILENAME [P.P_FILENAME] Name of the file to be copied
FILE_TYPE [P.P_FILE_TYPE] The file type associated with the file (ASCII or BINARY)
DEST_ENV [DEST_ENV] Name of the destination environment to be used instead of the destination environment on the current workflow step