
Available in PPM 10.0.1 and later versions.

This command generates a web report. It must be executed from a report type. For details, see Report types.


This command has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
USER_ID The ID of the user who executes the report. The default value is the report’s submitter.
SUBMISSION_LANGUAGE Report language. The default value is the language used when creating the report.

Prefix added before the “rep_<submission_ID>” in the report file name.

Adding a prefix lets you customize the report file name, but the file name always ends with "rep_<submission_ID>" for security considerations.

FILE_EXTENSION The file extension is automatically detected based on the content type returned by the target URL. If none or unknown, it defaults to .html. You can manually set the file extension by providing a value for this parameter.

If the JSP or Servlet generating the report is hosted in a custom WAR file, specify the WAR file name (the path). The default value is “itg” (the PPM WAR).

Note: You cannot include the WAR file path directly in the URL passed after ksc_run_web_report, you must use this parameter to specify the WAR file name.


Use this parameter only if your report returns simple HTML+CSS1 (which is the case for the built-in JSP reports). Setting this parameter to true overrides the FILE_EXTENSION parameter and will always convert reports to PDF format.

This is very helpful if you want to attach HTML reports to email notifications, as HTML format can cause issues with mail filters.

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Copy code
ksc_run_web_report /web/knta/crt/rpt/RequestHistoryReport.jsp
FILENAME_PREFIX=Request History Report

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