This table stores the audit trail for the integration between PPM portfolio and ALM Octane entities.
Foreign keys
There are no foreign keys for this table.
Column descriptions
Column Name | Null? | Data Type | Description |
AUDIT_ID | NOT NULL | NUMBER | System-generated identifier. |
REPORT_ID | NOT NULL | NUMBER | The report ID in knta_report_submissions. |
PORTFOLIO_NAME | NULLABLE | VARCHAR | The portfolio name synced to agile system. |
PARENT_PORTFOLIO_NAME | NULLABLE | VARCHAR | The parent portfolio name synced to agile system. |
PROCESS_STATUS | NOT NULL | VARCHAR | Whether the integration succeeded or failed. The values include: SUCCESS, FAILED. |
ERROR_CODE | NULLABLE | VARCHAR | Error code returned from the agile system. |
ERROR_MESSAGE | NULLABLE | VARCHAR | Error message returned from the agile system. |
Whether a PPM request or an ALM Octane entity is created, updated, or deleted. The values include: CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE. |
NOTE | NULLABLE | CLOB | Notes if the integration was rejected. |
AGILE_ENTITY_ID | NOT NULL | NUMBER | The ID of the agile entity in the agile system. |
PORTFOLIO_UPDATED_BY | NULLABLE | NUMBER | The user who updated the portfolio. |
PORTFOLIO_UPDATE_DATE | NULLABLE | DATE | The time when the portfolio was updated. |
This table has no indexes.
This table uses no sequences.
Sequence Name | Sequence Type |
ppm_int_agile_pf_audit_s | Auto-increment |