Used to create a report that shows the volume of open packages for any given workflow in Deployment Management.

Provides a quick snapshot of ongoing package processing work. It shows:

  • a summary of packages currently open for a specific Deployment Management workflow (for example, total number or average age)

  • information on how many packages have been opened and closed in the current week and current month

  • priority of the packages

    Priority is usually the most important breakdown of load information. Data is grouped into three priority groupings: P1, P2, and P3. These groupings map to the three highest–priority levels defined.

MPKG_PENDING_PACKAGES is aggregated across all packages.


A project manager has deployments running through three separate workflows in a current project. The manager needs a report that will show current work volume in each of these workflows, to help prioritize work and identify bottlenecks. If the three workflows are named MFG prod deployment, FIN prod deployment, and prod backup, the following SQL query can be used for a report:

SELECT workflow              Workflow,
       open_packages         Open_Pkgs,
       avg_age_open_packages Avg Age,
       p1_open_packages      P1 Open Pkgs,
       p2_open_packages      P2 Open Pkgs
FROM   mpkg_pending_packages
WHERE  workflow IN
       ('MFG prod deployment',
       'FIN prod deployment',
       'prod backup');


                                    P1    P2
                       Open  Avg  Open  Open
WORKFLOW               Pkgs  Age  Pkgs  Pkgs
--------------------- ----- ---- ----- -----
MFG prod deployment      11    9     3     8
FIN prod deployment      39   16    14    25
prod backup               6   54     5     1

This view ignores packages that have not been submitted.