The Reporting Meta Layer views MPKGL_ENV_DEPLOYMENT_D and MPKGL_ENV_DEPLOYMENT_M give summary information for package deployment activity, broken down by environment and calendar day or month.

These views can be used to assess regular package throughput for each environment managed by the IT department, and can help indicate trends in package processing over time for a specified environment.

Besides just the number of packages which were deployed on a given day or month, these views also contain columns to show the number of packages and package lines that were involved in listed deployments, and the number of different object types that were used.

Results from a query of one of these views contain records only for days or months on which deployments occurred for each environment.


The following SQL query can be used as a basis for a report that summarizes all package deployment activity, per day, for a specified environment, over a range of dates:

SELECT environment       Dest_Env,
       deployment_date   Date,
       total_deployments Total_Deployed,
       unique_obj_types  Num_Obj_Types
FROM   mpkgl_env_deployment_d
WHERE  deployment_date BETWEEN '01-APR-01' AND '10-APR-01'
AND    environment = 'FIN Test 2'
ORDER BY deployment_date;

To get a breakdown by month, replace deployment_date with deployment_month and mpkgl_env_deployment_d with mpkgl_env_deployment_m.


                              Total     Obj
Dest_Env         Date      Deployed   Types
---------------- --------- -------- -------
FIN Test 2       01-APR-01       12       2
Fin Test 2       02-APR-01       55       3
FIN Test 2       03-APR-01       22       3
FIN Test 2       04-APR-01        3       1
FIN Test 2       05-APR-01       18       4
FIN Test 2       06-APR-01       39       3
FIN Test 2       07-APR-01       18       4
FIN Test 2       09-APR-01       22       3
FIN Test 2       10-APR-01        3       1