The views MPKGL_OBJ_TYPE_DEPLOYMENT_D and MPKGL_OBJ_TYPE_DEPLOYMENT_M give summary information for package deployment activity, broken down by object type and calendar day or month.
These views can be used to:
assess regular package throughput for each object type used by the IT department
help indicate trends in package processing over time for a specified object type
show the number of packages and package lines that were involved in listed deployments, and the number of different environments to which they were deployed
Results from a query of one of these views contain records only for days or months on which deployments occurred for each object type.
The following SQL query can be used as a basis for a report that summarizes all package deployment activity, per month, for a specified object type, over a range of dates:
SELECT object_type Object_Type, deployment_month Month, total_deployments Total_Deployed, unique_environments Num_Envs FROM mpkgl_obj_type_deployment_m WHERE deployment_month BETWEEN '01-MAR-01' AND '01-AUG-01' AND object_type = 'File Migration' ORDER BY deployment_date;
To get a breakdown by day, replace deployment_month
with deployment_day
and mpkgl_obj_type_deployment_m
with mpkgl_obj_type_deployment_d
Total Num Object_Type Date Deployed Envs ---------------- --------- -------- ------- File Migration 01-MAR-01 122 12 File Migration 01-APR-01 104 12 File Migration 01-MAY-01 87 15 File Migration 01-JUN-01 156 16 File Migration 01-JUL-01 263 22 File Migration 01-AUG-01 290 23