Purge Empty Time Sheet Lines Report

The Purge Empty Time Sheet Lines report purges empty time sheet lines from the database.

An empty time sheet lines is defined as a line in which no actual effort has been entered. This does not mean a time sheet that has a total effort of 0 because you are allowed to enter negative time as effort.

To run the Purge Empty Time Sheet Lines report, you must have a User Administration license.

Table 3-8. Purge Empty Time Sheet Lines report field descriptions

Field Name(*Required)


*Purge Lines in Time Sheets created before

Specifies the time threshold of the purge.

Only time sheets with period end dates prior to this date will have empty lines deleted.

Report Only

Indicates whether or not to generate a report without deleting the eligible empty time sheet lines.

If you set this field to Yes, no lines will be deleted. In this case, only a report of the empty lines that are eligible to delete is generated.

Work Item Types

Specifies which work item types are eligible to have empty lines deleted.

Time Sheet Statuses

Specifies the states of time sheets to process.

Only time sheets in the specified states will have empty lines deleted.

Choices include:

  • Closed

  • Canceled

  • Frozen