Report Type Detail Report

The Report Type Detail report provides information about report type definitions. Use the report to view the parameters and parameter details for each report type, as well as the exact commands used to run the report. To run the Report Type Detail report, you must have the Configuration license.

Table 3-9. Report Type Detail report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Report From

Starting report type. The report will include the report types with names that, alphabetically, start with the selected report name and include later names for those report types that are available on your PPM instance.

Report To

Ending report type. The report will include the report types with names that, alphabetically, start with the selected report name and include earlier names for those report types that are available on your PPM instance.

*Show Parameters

Option to show the parameters and validations.

*Show Commands

Option to show the commands and command steps.

*Expand Special Commands

Option to expand user-defined special commands.

*Show Security

Option to show security groups.