Package Details Report

Returns details about a given package. Based on the selection criteria, this report lists:

  • Individual packages and detailed data regarding each package

  • Header information about the package, such as package priority and description

  • Detailed information, such as package notes, package lines, and their parameters

  • Current workflow status for each package line on each selected package

To run the Package Details report, users must have a Deployment Management license.

Table 4-14. Package Details report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Package From

Select the starting package. The report will include only packages whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those packages that are available on your PPM instance.

Package To

Select the ending package. The report will include only packages whose names are equal to or less than this value for those packages that are available on your PPM instance.

Package No. Contains

Specify a string that must be included in the package number. Type any alphanumeric string (up to 40 characters in length).

*Include Closed Packages

Option to include packages with an overall status of Cancelled, Closed [Success], Closed [Failure], and Closed [Mixed].

Requested By

Select a user from the users on your PPM instance.

*Show Line Statuses

Option to show the workflow steps and current step status for each package line.

Assigned To

Select a user from the users on your PPM instance.

*Show Line Parameters

Option to show all the visible parameters for each package line.


Select a workflow from the workflows available on your PPM instance.

*Show Notes

Option to show the notes.

Package Group

Select a package group from the package groups available on your PPM instance.

*Show User Data

Option to show the user data custom fields.

Creation Date From

Select the starting date. The report will include only packages created on or after this date.

*Show Full Header

Option to show the full header.

Creation Date To

Select the ending date. The report will include only packages created on or before this date.

*Show References

Option to show associated references.