Work Allocation Details Report

This report shows much of the same information shown on the Work Allocation definition page. This includes the:

  • Allocation work item information

  • Budget and actuals to date

  • Charge code allocations

  • Resource restrictions

This report also returns hyperlinks allowing modification of the work allocation (the Edit Work Allocations access grant is required).

To run the Work Allocation Details report, users must have a Time Management license.

Note: This report also appears in the Resource Management category.

Table 7-5. Work Allocation Details report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Work Item Type

Select a work item type. Choices include:

  • Request

  • Package

  • Task

  • Misc

Work Item Set

Select a work item set from the work item sets available on your PPM instance.

Work Item

Specify a work item from the work items available on your PPM instance.

Charge Code

Select a charge code from the charge codes available on your PPM instance.

Creation Date From

Select the starting creation date. The report will include only work allocations created on or after this date.

Creation Date To

Select the ending creation date. The report will include only work allocations created on or before this date.

Actuals/Budget Over <X>%

Specify the minimum percentage for which you want to show work allocations with the actuals are close to (or over) budget.

Include Closed

Option to include closed work allocations.

Show Resource Restrictions

Option to include restricted resources and resource groups.

Show Detailed Actuals

Option to include the total actuals to date for the work allocation, as well as the breakdown of the actuals provided by each resource.

Show Discounts

Option to include the standard and billing discounts.

*Sort By

Select the sort criteria. Choices include:

  • Work Item Type

  • Work Item Set

  • Work Item

  • Original Budget (Hrs)

  • Current Budget (Hrs)