Actual Time Summary Report

This report summarizes actual time information provided in non-cancelled time sheets. Different parameters provide different views into the data. For example:

  • The total time entered, per resource, for each time period

  • The total time entered, per project

  • The total time entered in each given time period

This report is similar to the Time Sheet Summary Report, except it does not show work allocation budget information.

To run the Actual Time Summary report, users must have a Time Management license.

Tip: This report was rewritten in PPM version 7.5. Use of the earlier version should be discontinued and customized reports based on the earlier version should be reimplemented.

Table 7-1. Actual Time Summary report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


*Group By

Select one or more grouping criteria. Choices include:

  • Work Item Type

  • Work Item Set

  • Work Item

  • Activity

  • Resource

  • Time Period

  • Charge Code

  • Time Sheet #

*Period Type

Select a period type from the period types available on your PPM instance.

*Starting Time Period

Select the starting date from those date ranges available on your PPM instance.


Select one or more resources from the resources available on your PPM instance.

*Ending Time Period

Select the ending date from those date ranges available on your PPM instance.

Resource Group

Select one or more resource groups from the resource groups available on your PPM instance.

Work Item Type

Select a work item type. Choices include:

  • Request

  • Package

  • Task

  • Misc

Work Item Set

Select a work item set from the work item sets available on your PPM instance.

Show Groups with Actual Hours Greater Than or Equal To

Specify the minimum total actual hours of a group, where the grouping is specified in the Group By field. Type any integer (in the range of -9,999,999,999 to 9,999,999,999 and without a comma separator).

This allows you to filter for the areas with large time charges.

Work Item

Select a work item from the work items available on your PPM instance.

Include Unsubmitted Time Sheets

Option for whether unsubmitted time sheets should be shown.


Select an activity from the activities available on your PPM instance.

Show Subtotals

Option for whether subtotals should be shown.

Charge Code

Select a charge code from the charge codes available on your PPM instance.

Show Actual Cost

Option for whether actual costs should be shown.