Enabling Users to Cancel or Delete a Request
You can determine who has permission to cancel or delete requests of a specific type.
To enable all users to cancel or delete requests of a given type:
Log on to PPM.
From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.
The PPM Workbench opens.
From the shortcut bar, select Demand Mgmt > Request Types.
The Request Type Workbench opens.
Click List. The Results tab lists all existing request types.
Double-click the row that displays the request type you want to configure.
The Request Type window opens.
Click the User Access tab.
In the All Users row, select the Cancel and Delete checkboxes.
Click Save.
To allow only specific users or members of a specific security group to cancel or delete a request:
On the User Access tab, click New.
The Participant Security dialog box opens.
In the list, select one of the following items:
Enter a Security Group. Specify all users in a security group.
Enter a Username
Enter a Standard Token. Control request security dynamically, depending on the value in a standard field. Select from a list of system tokens that corresponds to a user or security group.
Enter a User Defined Token. Control request security dynamically, depending on the value in a custom field. Select from any field token that corresponds to a user or security group.
The field labels under the list change dynamically, depending on which item you select from the list. For example, selecting Enter a Username changes the field label below the list to Username.
Provide the specific value that corresponds to the recipient type you selected.
Click OK.
The User Access tab displays a new line that shows the selected user or token.
In the new row, select the Cancel and Delete checkboxes.
In the Request Type window, click Save.
To enable the user who logged the request to cancel or delete that request:
Open the Request Type window.
Click the User Access tab.
In the Created By row, select the Cancel and Delete checkboxes.
Click Save.