Creating a Package

You can control who can create packages or use specific object types and workflows. This provides a great deal of control over who can process changes of a certain type to specific environments.

Enabling Users to Create Packages

To enable a user to create and submit packages, configure the settings listed in Table 5-2. Settings to enable package creation.

Table 5-2. Settings to enable package creation





Deployment Management or Configuration

The Deployment Management license gives a user access to the PPM Workbench, where the package is defined.

Access Grants linked to the Security Group

(only one is required.)

Deployment Management: Edit Packages

This access grant allows the user to generate, edit and delete certain packages.

The user cannot delete a package if it has been released or if the user is not the owner.

To edit the package, the user must be its creator, the assigned user, a member of the assigned security group, or a member of the workflow step security.

Deployment Management: Edit All Packages

This access grant lets the user create, edit, and delete packages at any time.

Allowed Deployment Management Workflows in the Security Group window

You must allow at least one workflow.

A package must have an applied workflow to follow. To create and submit a package, you must select the workflow to process the deploying objects.

This is set on the Deployment Management Workflows tab in the Security Group window.

Allowed Deployment Management Object Types in the Workflow window.

You must allow at least one object type in each workflow used to deploy changes.

You can associate object types with workflows so that only certain object types can be processed through the workflow. You must enable at least one object type so that the user can create a package line using that workflow.

Set this in the Workflow window, on the Deployment Management Settings tab, with the Package Line option selected.

Preventing Users from Selecting a Specific Workflow

You can restrict users from selecting specific workflows when creating a new package. To do this, ensure that the following conditions are met.

Table 5-3. Settings to restrict workflow selection




Restricted Deployment Management Workflows in the Security Group window

Include the workflows that you want to restrict.

To create a package, a user must select a workflow for the package to follow. Users (in the security group) cannot select a workflow included in the Restricted Deployment Management Workflows list.

Note: If a user belongs to another security group that is allowed to use that workflow, the user can select it. This is set on the Deployment Management Workflows tab in the Security Group window.

Note: Because the source and destination environments are defined in the workflow step, restricting the workflow selection also determines who can deploy changes to specific environments.

Preventing Users from Selecting a Specific Object Type

You can prevent users from selecting specific object types as they add lines to a package. Table 5-4. Settings to restrict object type selection contains the information you need to restrict Deployment Management object types.

Table 5-4. Settings to restrict object type selection




Restricted Deployment Management Object Types in the Workflow window.

Include the object type that you want to restrict.

You can associate object types with workflows so that only certain object types can be processed through the workflow. Users cannot select any object types included in the Restricted Deployment Management Object Types list.

This is set in the Workflow window, on the Deployment Management Settings tab, with the Package Line option selected.