Enable password reset

As an administrator, you can enable PPM users to reset their password without having to contact you each time.

Note: Reset password is not supported if Single Sign-On is implemented.

Enable password reset

For users to reset their password, administrators need to configure the following:

  • Configure the com.kintana.core.server.SMTP_SERVER parameter in the server.conf file.
  • Configure the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_SENDER parameter in the PPM Application Configuration page.
  • Turn on the Enable Reset Password feature toggle d in the Administration Console. For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

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Configure expiration time of reset password link

By default the reset password link expires in five minutes. You can configure the expiration time by specifying a value for the CHANGE_PASSWORD_TOKEN_TIMEOUT parameter in server.conf value.

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Email message customization and translation

You can use the email templates located in the <PPM_HOME>\conf\email_templates directory or customize the templates to meet your needs.

Email message customization

Use the email templates in the <PPM_HOME>\conf\email_templates directory to construct the email messages that are sent to users.

  • reset_password.template. When a user initiates a password reset and provides valid user name and email address, an email is sent to the user providing a reset password link.

  • reset_password_success.template. When a user successfully resets a password, an email message is sent to the user to confirm the reset. If you do not want to notify user on password reset, leave this template empty.

The format of the template is HTML. Its structure is as follows:

  • <title> tag. The email subject.
  • <body> tag. The message body. It can be plain text and include tokens (enclosed in "$$").

    The following tokens are used:

    • USER_FULLNAME. Full name of the PPM user.
    • LINK_URL. The reset password link.
    • TOKEN_TIMEOUT. The time (in minutes) within which the reset password link will expire.

Email message translation

If you would like to send the email messages in a language other than English, do one of the following:

  • In the templates reset_password.template and reset_password_success.template, add a string like this:

    <%(resource file name).(resource key)[,parameters]%>

    where resource file name is the name of the resource file in the <PPM_HOME>/server/_common/deploy/itg.war/WEB-INF/resources/wb directory and resource key is the key. The parameters can be plain text or tokens, it is optional.

    For example, the string can be like the following:



  • Create a new message template for the target language from the provided email templates and add the language code to the file name. For example,

    reset_password_fr.template, and


    In the new template, construct the message in the corresponding language. For example, message in the reset_password_fr.template should be in French.

    Make sure that the character set of the new template is the same as the template provided, otherwise the message will not be displayed properly. The default character set of the template is UTF-8. You can use the parameter EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_CHARSET to set the character set.

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