Licenses and User Roles

This appendix addresses the typical user functions and required licenses by user types and by product/license type. Table C-1. Product licenses by user type lists the licenses required by, and recommended for, different types of users. Table C-2. User roles and functions by product license type lists the user roles and functions based on product/license types.

Table C-1. Product licenses by user type

User Type


Required and Recommended Licenses

(Unless noted with an asterisk*, these are product licenses.)

Business User

Submit requests, monitor status of own requests, and provide user sign-off.

  • Demand Management

Business Project Manager

Create, plan, and monitor project workplans—update tasks; assign resources; schedule, define project exception rules; set notifications; maintain project templates, manage scope changes, issues, and risk. Manage resource skills, pools, profiles, and capacity. Manage project expenses. Synchronize with Microsoft Project.

  • Demand Management

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

  • (Time Management)

Business Analyst

Monitor initiative (schedule and cost) status; act on SLA exceptions; track issues; manage scope changes, issues, and risk. Manage portfolio.

  • Demand Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

Business Manager

Monitor initiative (schedule, cost, earned value) status, act on SLA exceptions, prioritize portfolio.

  • Demand Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

IT Management:

CIOs, IT VPs, Directors, Enterprise Architects, CTOs

Monitor status of initiatives (schedule and cost), drill down on SA exceptions, control and prioritize portfolio.

Monitor resource use.

Manage resource capacity.

  • Demand Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

  • (Time Management)

  • (Deployment Management)

Process and Project participants:

IT Support Analyst, QA, team member, Change Control

Participate in project tasks and in request processes.

Execute project tasks and update task status.

Actively resolve requests—update request information, perform approvals, assign requests, prioritize requests, move requests through the workflow.

  • Demand Management

  • Project Management

  • (Time Management)

Engineering Team:

Developer, Infra- structure (DBA / Sysadmin / Web Admin), Release Manager, Operations

Create packages, update package information, perform approvals, schedule and execute migrations.

Update tasks.

Create and manage deployment releases.

  • Deployment Management

Portfolio Manager, Program Manager, IT Controller

Manage portfolio. Manage rating and prioritization of projects.

Perform what-if portfolio scenarios.

Manage scope changes, issues, and risk.

Manage resource skills, pools, profiles, and capacity.

Manage project expenses.

  • Demand Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

  • (Time Management)

Project Manager

Create, plan, and monitor project workplans—update tasks, assign resources, schedule, define project exception rules, set notifications, maintain project templates.

Manage resource skills, pools, profiles, and capacity.

Manage project expenses.

Synchronize with Microsoft Project (if required).

  • Project Management

  • (Time Management)

PPM User Administrator

Common administration functions, including set up users and assign security.

  • Demand Management, PPM User Administration license*

PPM Administrator, Process Owner / Implementer

Common administration functions such as configure user-defined project information, and configure report types and PPM Dashboard portlets.

Configure object types, model process workflows; and configure business rules.

  • Demand Management, PPM Configuration license*

Table C-2. User roles and functions by product license type


License Type

User Type

Primary Tasks Performed with this License Type

PPM Dashboard



Overall visibility of status and metrics, drill down to a specific level of detail on requests, task, projects, and packages requiring action or further review.

Demand Management


IT Process Analyst

Configure workflows and request types.

Project Management

Project Manager, Resource Manager

Create and manage resource pools and project resource profiles. Manage resource capacity and use. Create and manage financial summaries for departments, programs, and projects.

Demand Management

Business User, Requestor

Submit requests, monitor the status of own request, and provide user sign-off.

Analyst, IT Support Staff, Request Contact

Participate in the request processes and actively resolve requests—update request information, perform approvals, assign requests, prioritize requests, move requests through the workflow.

Upper-level Manager, Business Analyst, Change Control Team, Project Manager, Program Manager

Monitor SLAs and act on exceptions, run reports, and perform approvals. Prioritize demand, assign requests. participate in deployment management.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Manager, Business Analyst, Program Manager, Enterprise Architect, CTO, IT Controller

Manage IT portfolio. Explore what-if scenarios. Evaluate value and mix of current and proposed projects. Rank and rate projects. Create and manage resource pools and project resource profiles. Manage resource capacity and utilization. Create and manage financial summaries for departments, programs, and projects. Track and compare actuals to forecast, perform earned value analysis.

Program Management

Program Management

Program Manager

Prioritize programs and projects. Manage program and project initiation; monitor resource utilization; monitor program status, scope changes, issues, and risk. Act on exceptions.

Project Management

Project Management

Project Manager, Project Lead

Create, plan, and monitor project workplans—update milestones, baselines, tasks; assign resources; schedule, define project exception rules; set notifications; maintain project templates. Monitor status and critical path. Define resource and regional calendars.

Project Manager, Resource Manager

Create and manage resource pols and project resource profiles. Manage resource capacity and utilization. Create and manage financial summaries for departments, programs, and projects. Define resource and regional calendars.

Project Administrator

Configure user-defined project information/fields, define project notifications. Define resource and regional calendars.

Upper-Level Manager, Other Stakeholder, Program Manager

Monitor project status and drill down on exceptions. Track and compare actuals to forecasts, perform earned value analysis.

Resource Management

Project Management, Demand Management

IT Manager, Project Manager, IT HR

Base functionality is included with the PPM Foundation. IT supports creating, viewing, updating, and assigning: skills, resource details (capacity, rate, utilizations, availability), and organization model.

Portfolio Manager, Program Manager, Project Manager

Create and update resource pools and staffing profiles.

Time Management

Time Management


Provide time sheets by hour or time against work items.


Review, freeze, and approve timesheets. Close, cancel timesheets. Delegate functions. Compare work item forecasts versus actuals.

Time Management Analyst

Establish work allocations and charging rules by work item, department, job/role. Configure start-end dates and periods, and approval hierarchies.

Financial Management

Project Management, Demand Management

All Users

Base functionality is included with the PPM Foundation and supports the ability to view financial summaries and associated visualizations.

Portfolio Management, Program Management, or Project Management

Portfolio Manager, Program Manager, Project Manager

Update financial summaries.

IT Manager, Portfolio Manager, Program Manager, Project Manager, Business Analyst

Display earned value analysis information and visualization.

Deployment Management

Deployment Management


Create and update packages for deployment, monitor package status.

DBA, System Administrator, Configuration Manager, Tech. Project Lead, Release Manager

Create packages, update package information, perform approvals, schedule and execute migrations. Create, manage, and perform deployment releases. Assign packages to developers.


Release Mgmt Analyst

Configure object types and workflows.

Deployment Management

IT Manager, QA and Business Analyst

View that status of deployment packages and perform QA approvals.

All Products

User Admin

PPM Administrator

Set up users, manage licenses, assign security.

All Products


PPM Configurator

Create and configure report types, portlets, request types, request header types, object types, workflows, environments, validations, activities. Configure security for standard portlets.