Create multiple projects at one time.
This operation creates projects and their associated requests according to the given input. All projects are created in one transaction.
There is no limitation on the maximum number of projects that can be imported at the same time. However, if too many projects are created at the same time (for example, more than 1,000 projects), the operation can fail when there is a network issue.
Related Information
Operation: createProject
A list of project IDs, request IDs, and the corresponding project names are returned if all projects are created successfully. Otherwise, a SOAP fault with a detailed error message is returned.
Java Examples
BulkImportProjectsDocument importProjDoc = BulkImportProjectsDocument.Factory.newInstance(); BulkImportProjects bip = importProjDoc.addNewBulkImportProjects(); ProjectType projectBean = bip.addNewProjects(); … // Set projectBean for the first project
// Add the second input project bean projectBean = bip.addNewProjects(); … // Set projectBean for the second project
BulkImportProjectsResponseDocument importProjectsResponseDoc = stub.bulkImportProjects(importProjDoc); // check the response CreateProjectResultType[] cpResults = importProjectsResponseDoc.getBulkImportProjectsResponse().getRe turnArray();