This operation updates the status of the root task of a given project's work plan.
You cannot give arbitrary values for the status. Basically, only those statuses available in the root tasks of the PPM user interface are allowed. If the status is invalid, a SOAP fault with detailed error message is returned to the client.
The following inputs are required:
One of the following:
Project name
Project ID
Task status (Note: this is the status you want the root task of the work plan to be.)
If the operation is successful, no results are returned to the client.
Java Examples
UpdateWorkPlanStatusDocument uwpsDoc = UpdateWorkPlanStatusDocument.Factory.newInstance(); UpdateWorkPlanStatus uwps= uwpsDoc.addNewUpdateWorkPlanStatus(); WorkPlanInputType wpi = uwps.addNewWorkPlanInput();
wpi.setProjectName(projectName); // new status to set uwps.setNewStatus("active"); stub.updateWorkPlanStatus(uwpsDoc);