This operation reads position lines in PPM Center.
This operation enables external applications to read the position lines of the
staffing profile identified by position ID in PPM Center. The operation returns
the positionLineType object.
To perform this operation, the user must meet the following conditions:
View staffing profile access grant
In Staffing profile ACL list
Related information
The following data types:
An array of positionLineType object.
An array of resultObjectType object
Java Interface
public OperationResultWSBean[]
readPositionLines(PositionLineWSBean[] ids)
Parameters |
Description |
ids |
Wrapper of the positionLineType object array |
Java Examples
Example: reads position lines of staffing profile
private PositionLineType[] readPositionLines(String serviceURL, PositionIdentifierType[] ids) throws Exception{
PositionLineType[] plType = null; StaffingProfileServiceStub stub = new StaffingProfileServiceStub(ctx, serviceURL); ReadPositionLinesDocument inDoc = ReadPositionLinesDocument.Factory.newInstance(); ReadPositionLinesDocument.ReadPositionLines readPL = inDoc.addNewReadPositionLines(); readPL.setPositionIdArray(ids);
// Invoke web service ReadPositionLinesResponseDocument outDoc = stub.readPositionLines(inDoc); plType = outDoc.getReadPositionLinesResponse().getPositionLineArray();
return plType;
Errors and Exceptions
Possible root cause descriptions:
Message Code |
Message |
Cause(s) |
Possible Corrective Action |
exception.exceededThreshold |
The web service call exceeds the threshold limit for processing. Please batch your updates. |
The number of position lines in one Web service call is limited to 50. The web service call exceeds the threshold limit for processing |
Reduce the number of position lines in the Web service call |
exception.authorization |
You do not have the privilege to take this action. Please consult your PPM Administrator |
You do not have the required access grants for this operation |
Verify that your account has the required access grants |
exception.cannotLoadPosition |
Position id {0} does not exist. |
The position ID does not exist |
Specify a different position ID |
exception.cannotViewStaffingProfile |
User cannot view staffing profile {0} |
You do not have the required access grants for this operation |
Verify that your account has the required access grants |