Preparing a Shared Folder for server.conf on a UNIX System

  1. Create a shared folder on a file server.

  2. Mount the shared folder to each machine that is to host OpenText PPM.

  3. If you plan to host multiple PPM Server clusters under the same account on a single machine, do the following. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.

    1. Using a text editor, create a file named "ppm_server_conf.env", and add to it the following text:

      export PPM_SERVER_CONF_DIR=//<IP_Address>/<Shared_Folder>
    2. Save the file to the <PPM_Home> directory and close the file.

  4. In the $HOME/.profile file of the account that is to run OpenText PPM, add the following line:

    export PPM_SERVER_CONF_DIR=<Mount_Point>/<Shared_Folder>