Configure AntiSamy policy file

  1. Open the policy file antisamy-ppm.xml located in the <PPM_HOME>\conf directory.

  2. Configure the sections of the policy file as you want.

    • Directives

      The following table shows the directives, their default values, and their impact on the AntiSamy filtering process.

      Directive Type Default Value Description
      omitXmlDeclaration boolean true When "useXHTML" is turned on, AntiSamy will automatically prepend the XML header. Enabling this feature will tell AntiSamy not to do that.
      omitDoctypeDeclaration boolean true When this feature is enabled, AntiSamy will automatically prepend the HTML doctype declaration.
      maxInputSize int 600000000 This directive specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of user input before it is validated.
      useXHTML boolean true When this feature is enabled, AntiSamy will output the sanitized data in XHTML format as opposed to just regular HTML.
      formatOutput boolean true When this feature is enabled, AntiSamy will automatically format the output according to some basic rules and indentation. Kind of like "pretty print."
      embedStyleSheets boolean false When the developer chooses to allow CSS, this directive will specify whether or not remote stylesheets found referenced in the user's input will be pulled down and embedded into the current user input.
      connectionTimeout int 5000 When "embedStyleSheets" is enabled, this timeout value (in milliseconds) will be used when fetching the offsite resource in question. This should be used to prevent validation threads from blocking when connecting to 3rd party systems that may purposefully act really slowly.
      maxStyleSheetImports int 3 This feature allows developers to specify how many remote stylesheets can be downloaded from any one input.

      Note: The antisamy-ppm.xml file only deploys some of the directives provided by the OWASP AntiSamy project. You can include more directives when configuring the policy file. For more information about other directives, see the AntiSamy User Guide.

    • Common Regular Expressions

      You can declare regular expressions here that can be used in the rest of the policy file.


      <regexp value="[a-zA-Z0-9\:\-_\.]+" name="htmlId"/>

      This regular expression is used to determine whether text in an id attribute is valid or not.

    • Common Attributes

      You can declare attributes here that are common to many different tags.


      <attribute name="id" description="The 'id' of any HTML attribute should not contain anything besides letters and numbers">
            <regexp name="htmlId"/>

      This is where the id attribute is mapped to the htmlId regular expression.

    • Global Tag Attributes

      You can declare attributes here that are global to all different tags.


      <attribute name="id"/>

      The id attribute is global to all different tags.

    • Tags to Encode

      You can declare tags that will not be removed, filtered, validated, or truncated, but encoded using HTML entities.



      The g tag does not actually do anything, but it is not malicious either, so you can encode it, rather than remove it.

    • Tag Rules

      You can define parsing rules here that will be used for each tag individually. What happens to tags depends on what actions AntiSamy has decided to perform on it. PPM's AntiSamy policy file by default includes the following actions for tags.

      • Remove: When the tag rule action is set to "remove" for a given tag, the tag is deleted with all of its child text.


        <tag name="script" action="remove"/>
      • Validate: When the tag rule action is set to "validate" for a given tag, PPM verifies if its attributes and children elements follow rules defined in the policy file.


        <tag name="a" action="validate">
          <attribute name="href">
              <regexp name="ppm-report-token"/>
      • Truncate: When the tag rule action is set to "truncate" for a given tag, the element of the tag is kept, but all its attributes are removed.


        <tag name="title" action="truncate"/>

      Note: Apart from the above tag rules, you can also use "default" and "filter" to build you own tag rules. For information about more tag rules, see the AntiSamy User Guide.

    • CSS Rules

      You can define parsing rules here that will be used for each CSS property individually. Only CSS defined in this section is allowed.


      <property name="background-position" description="If a background image has been specified, this property specifies its initial position.">
            <literal value="top"/>
            <literal value="center"/>
            <literal value="bottom"/>
            <literal value="left"/>
            <literal value="center"/>
            <literal value="right"/>
            <literal value="inherit"/>
            <regexp name="percentage"/>
            <regexp name="length"/>

      The CSS background position property is allowed only when it matches these rules. Its value must be a percentage, length, or one of the literal values such as "top" and "center".

  3. Save the changes.
  4. Restart PPM Server.