Linguistic Sorting

PPM uses Oracle's linguistic sorting functionality. In addition to binary sorts, PPM supports both of the linguistic sort types that Oracle performs. These are:

  • Monolingual linguistic sorts. These are typically used for European languages.

  • Monolingual linguistic sorts. These are typically used for European languages.

Note: For detailed information on linguistic sorting, see the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for the Oracle version you have installed.

Configuring Linguistic Sorting

You can edit the mlu.conf file to change the default sort setting (nlsSort variable) for each language deployed on the system.

To configure linguistic sorting:

  1. In a text editor, open the mlu.conf files in the following two directories:

    Example: <PPM_Home>/conf/
    <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM Server_Node_Name>/deploy/itg.war/
  2. To change the sort setting for a language, replace the displayed value with any Oracle-supported linguistic sort value.

    Note: For information on valid values for named linguistic sorts, see the OracleDatabase Globalization Support Guide for the Oracle version you have installed.


    Example: US.nlsSort=GENERIC_M
  3. After you finish configuring the nlsSort variables in both mlu.conf files, save the files.

  4. If your PPM instance includes multiple nodes in a cluster configuration, you must complete Step 1 through Step 3 for every node participating in the cluster.

  5. Restart the PPM Server or servers.