Copying Entities
How an entity is copied depends on where the entity was created (in the PPM Workbench or in PPM).
From the PPM Workbench, when an entity is copied, the session language determines the definition language of the created entity. For example, if you are logged in to a Korean session and you copy an entity defined in German, the newly created entity's definition language is Korean. You cannot explicitly configure the definition language of an entity. However, you can change the definition language to the current session language. See Changing Definition Language for more information.
If the copied entity has translations for the current session language, those translations are used. For example, if you are logged in to a Korean session and are copying a German-defined entity with English and Korean translations, the Korean translations are used. The copy of the German-defined entity becomes a Korean-defined entity with English and German translations.
If the copied entity is partially translated to the current session language, you can choose to either use the existing definition language translations for the attributes with no translations, or you can leave those attributes blank (for future translation). By default, the attributes are left blank. To use the existing language translations, select the Copy existing translations checkbox. For example, if you are logged in to a Korean session and are copying a German-defined entity with English and partial Korean translations, if you do not select the checkbox, the attributes that are not translated in Korean are blank. If you select the checkbox, the attributes that are not translated in Korean use the German translations. In both cases, the Korean-defined entity has English and German translations.
If the copied entity does not have translations, you do not see the Copy existing translations checkbox.
From PPM, you can copy modules, portlets, and portlet definitions.
You can copy modules and portlets from any definition language to any session language. The session language determines the definition language of the created entity. For example, if you are logged in to a Korean session and you copy a module defined in German, the newly created module's definition language is Korean.
To copy a portlet definition, its definition language and the session language must be the same. For example, to copy a portlet defined in German, you must be logged on with German as your session language. You can change the definition language to match the current session language. See for more information.
If the copied module, portlet, or portlet definition is partially translated to the current session language, the untranslated attributes use the existing definition language translations. For example, if you are logged in to a Korean session and are copying a German-defined entity with English and partial Korean translations, the attributes that are not translated to Korean are displayed in German.