Exporting Entity Attributes or Existing Translations

Note: To run the export script (kExportAttributes.sh), you must have the Sys Admin: Manage Translations access grant.

When you run the export script, you can export the attributes of all entities or specify one particular entity for which you want to export attributes. The entities are listed inTable 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values.

PPM keeps track of the language in which each entity is defined. In general, we recommend using the original definition as the basis for any translations into other languages. Then, by default, the export script exports entity attributes in the language in which they were defined.

You can also run the export script to export some or all of the existing translations. This is useful if you will need to import all the translations simultaneously by using the import script in an instance migration scenario.

For each language in which any entity attributes to be exported are defined, the script generates:

  • A set of .properties files, one for each PPM database table used by the entity's attributes. In other words, exporting an attribute that uses multiple database tables generates multiple .properties files. The .properties files conform to Java standards, including the <key>=<value> format for the attributes. (The keys can be lengthy.)

    The names of the .properties files begin with PPM database table names, and you do not need to be concerned about their naming convention. The names are appended with "_" and a unique language code from the subset of languages in ISO standard 639-1 that are supported by Oracle�, and potentially "_" and another unique two-character country code from the subset of codes in ISO standard 3166-1 that are supported by Oracle.

  • One .zip file containing the set of .properties files for that language.

    You specify the beginning of the name of the .zip file when you run the export script. The .zip file is appended with "_" and the same language code (and, potentially, "_" and the same country code) as the .properties files.


  • If you export request types that were all defined in English, and if you specify FromPPM as the filenameRoot (see the table in Step 2), the export script generates one .zip file named FromPPM_en.zip, containing .properties files with the request type attributes.

  • If, in the example above, some request types were defined in English and others were defined in German, the export script generates two .zip files named:

    • FromPPM_en.zip, containing .properties files with the request type attributes in English.

    • FromPPM_de.zip, containing .properties files with the request type attributes in German.

The results are analogous when exporting existing translations, except that the .properties files already exist. As with exporting entity attributes, the export script creates a .zip file for each language.