Adding References to Packages from Standard Interface
In some cases, it might be useful to reference a Web-accessible file, a document, or file from a local machine to the package. You can add such references to a package from the standard interface.
You can add the following entities as package references:
Packages (new or existing)
Requests (new or existing)
For some reference types (such as requests and other packages), you can create a functional dependency to the reference. For example, you can specify that a request is a predecessor to the package. This means that the package cannot continue along its workflow until the referenced request closes. For more information about valid package references and the relationships they can have to packages, see Reference Relationships .
This section provides information on how to add various types of references to a package from the standard interface. For information on how to add package references from the PPM Workbench, see Adding References to Packages from Package Workbench.