Configure PPM for Mobile landing page

The landing page of PPM for Mobile is composed of two parts: available apps and Dashboard. You can customize apps and configure Dashboard landing page to configure your mobile landing page.

Customize apps

As a PPM administrator, you can delete an existing web app, add a new web app, and change the label or image of an existing web app.

You customize apps in the same way as you customize PPM standard interface menus.

  1. Leave the /conf/menus/seed/mobile_menu.xml file untouched.

    You should never modify it. Use it only when you want references on menu customization.

  2. If you want to delete an existing app, edit the /conf/menus/custom/delete_mobile_menu.xml file.

    For references about how to delete an existing app, see Delete a menu item

  3. If you want to add or update an app, edit the /conf/menus/custom/update_mobile_menu.xml file.

    To change an app icon, edit the <imgUrl> attribute in the update_mobile_menu.xml file.

    Sub-menus are not supported. You can only add an app in the top level.

    For references about how to add or update an app, see Add a new menu item and Update an existing menu item.

  4. Flush the caches to make the changes to menu xml files take effect.

    For details, see Configure PPM for Mobile landing page.

  5. When loading the menu, PPM first loads the built-in mobile_menu.xml file, then applies the delete_mobile_menu.xml file, and then applies the update_mobile_menu.xml file.

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Set your own mobile landing page

If you allowed by the PPM administrator, you can set your own mobile landing page. The page could be any of your private Dashboard page or any shared Dashboard page that you have the read access to.

For details, see Configure landing pages

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