Modifying the Display of the Contents Tab

You can modify the display of the three sections (Subportfolios, Programs, and Proposals/Projects/Assets) under the Contents tab of a portfolio.

Note: You are no longer able to freeze columns in the Contents tab.

Default Displays

When a portfolio is created, each section in the Contents tab has:

  • Columns that are displayed by default,
  • Columns that are always available to be shown, and
  • Columns that are only visible when the fiscal year is set to View All.
Section Columns displayed by default Columns always available to be shown Columns visible only in All view
  • Portfolio Name
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • Program Name
  • Managers
  • Status
  • Overall Health
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • Business Objectives
  • POR Cost (Plan of Record forecast cost)
  • POR Benefit (Plan of Record forecast benefit)
  • Description
  • NPV
  • TNR (Total Nominal Return)
  • Issue Health
  • Risk Health
  • Scope Change Health
  • Relative Priority


  • Name
  • Type
  • Overall Health
  • Projected Cost
  • Projected Benefit
  • Projected Person Months
  • Forecast Person Months
  • Actual Person Months
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • POR Cost
  • POR Benefit
  • Cost Health
  • Schedule Health
  • Issue Health
  • Projected Cost
  • Projected Benefit
  • Projected Person Months
  • Forecast Person Months

  • Actual Person Months
  • Approved Budget

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Hiding or Displaying Columns

  • To hide a column, click the drop-down arrow or right-click in any column heading, put the mouse over Columns, and click the column you want to hide.
  • To display a column that is not displayed, click the drop-down arrow or right-click in any column heading, put the mouseover Columns, and click the column you want to display.

Note: When you put the mouse over Columns, the columns to be hidden or displayed include:

Rearranging Columns

To rearrange columns, click and drag a column heading to the desired position.

Resizing a Column

To resize a column, click and drag the dividing line between its column heading and the adjacent column heading.

Sorting Order of Rows

  • To sort the values of a column in the ascending or descending order, click the column heading or right-click in the column heading, and click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  • To remove sorting, right-click a column heading used for sorting and click Clear Sort.

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