Time Management Policy

The Time Management policy controls:

  • whether to use Time Management to track actuals against the program;
  • who can log time against the program;
  • who can approve the time logged against the program.

Options of this policy are described as follows:

Option Description
Use Time Management to track actuals against this program Enables using Time Management to track program actuals.
Allow the following to report time on this program

Enabled only when the Use Time Management to track actuals against this program option is selected.

Specify who are able to log time against this program.

  • Program milestone owners: owners of the program milestones
  • Program resources: resources who work on the program
  • All resources: include program milestone owners, program resources, and the other resources who can view the program.

For details about how to add program resources, see Adding program resources.

Time logged against this program must be approved by a program representative from the following group

Enabled only when the Use Time Management to track actuals against this program option is selected.

Specify which participant group or security group must approve time logged against the program.


  • If this option is not selected, time that a user has logged against this program is approved by the time approver specified in the user's resource settings.
  • If Time Management has an override rule specifying time approvers, this option is overridden by these time approvers.

See also: