Project Management and Microsoft Project Activity Synchronization Modes
The synchronization mode of a project determines which application (PPM or Microsoft Project) has control over project information when updating information between Project Management and Microsoft Project.
If Project Management controls all shared work plan information, activities are editable in PPM only. When PPM project information is transferred to Microsoft Project, the PPM Activity field is exported to Microsoft Project custom field Text1 (by default).
If Microsoft Project controls all shared work plan information, activities are editable in Microsoft Project only. When the Microsoft Project work plan information is transferred to a PPM project, the Microsoft Project custom field Text1 (by default) is imported into the PPM Activity field.
If control is shared, activities are controlled by and editable in Microsoft Project only. When the Microsoft Project work plan information is transferred to a PPM project, the Microsoft Project custom field Text1 (by default) is imported into the PPM Activity field.