Fields Mapped Between Applications

The following fields are mapped between Project Management and Microsoft Project, grouped by information type (planned and actuals information). All fields are task-level fields unless otherwise noted. See Impact of Microsoft Project Rules on Fields, How Information is Synchronized, and Conditional editing allowed in Project Management for additional considerations about mapping fields.

Table 10-3. Fields mapped between PPM Project Management and Microsoft Project

Project Management Field

Microsoft Project Field

Additional Information

Planned information



Milestones retrieved from Microsoft Project must be manually set to 100% complete in Project Management. Milestones retrieved from Project Management do not require updates. See Planned Information also .



See Planned Information, Planned Information, Planned Information, and Planned Information.



See Planned Information.



See Planned Information.

Scheduled Duration


Microsoft Project recalculates duration so that Start, Finish, and Duration are valid. However, if a task is of a fixed duration, only Start and Finish are recalculated. See also Planned Information.

Scheduled Effort


Scheduled Effort (measured in days) is converted to Work (measured in hours) using the calendar option Hours per day in Microsoft Project.

Scheduled Effort (resource-level)

Work (resource-level)

For tasks with more than one assigned resource, the amount of Scheduled Effort/Work assigned to each resource is synchronized.

Scheduled Start Date


See Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish Dates, Planned Information, Planned Information, and Planned Information.

Scheduled Finish Date


See Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish Dates, Planned Information, Planned Information, and Planned Information.

Scheduling Constraint/Constraint Date

Constraint Type/Date

See Planned Information and Planned Information.

Task Name

Task Name

See Planned Information and Planned Information.

Actuals information

% Complete

Percent Complete

See Percent Complete and Percent Work Complete, % Complete When Initializing a Project Management Work Plan from an Existing Microsoft Project Work Plan, and % Complete for Tasks that are Cancelled or On Hold (Bypassed).



See Project Management Activity Synchronization.

Actual Duration

Actual Duration

See Actual Duration for Tasks and Actual Duration for Summary Tasks/Task Groups.

Actual Effort

Actual Work

If any type of effort is tracked in PPM, the link in Microsoft Project between Percent Complete and Percent Work Complete is disabled. See also Actual Effort/Actual Work and Resource Units and Actual Effort and Time Management Integration.

Actual Start

Actual Start

When this date exists, Microsoft Project defaults Start to this date. See also Actual Start and Actual Finish and Actual Start of a Task Group.

Actual Finish

Actual Finish

When this date exists, Microsoft Project defaults Finish to this date. See also Actual Start and Actual Finish.

Estimated Finish Date


See Estimated Finish Date.

Estimated Remaining Effort

Remaining Work


Task Description and Notes

Notes (for tasks)

See Microsoft Notes Synchronization.



See Microsoft Field Mapping.