Manage resources in a resource pool

View resource workload, forecasted demand, and adjust resource participation across resource pools.

View resource workload

Get a detailed breakdown of total resource capacity and workload.

To view resource capacity and workload:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. On the Resource Pool page, click View Resource Load. The Resource Load Breakdown page (Assignment Summary view) displays scheduled total capacity, total assignments, and available capacity of each resource in the resource pool.

    Column / Row



    The scheduled effort of the resource.

    Scheduled effort is evenly distributed across working days from the scheduled start date to the scheduled finish date. Hours per week may differ based on regional and personal calendars such as holidays and personal vacations.

    Total Capacity

    Maximum total amount of effort that can be allocated for the resource.

    Total Assignments

    Total effort provided by the resource.

    Available Capacity

    The remaining capacity of the resource.

    Available Capacity = Total Capacity – Total Assignments

  3. Click the Assignment Details link to switch to the Assignment Details view. It displays resource's assigned effort to each staffing profile.

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View forecasted demand

Get the breakdown of total resource capacity viewed against load by staffing profile.

To get a breakdown of total resource capacity viewed against load by staffing profile:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. On the Resource Pool page, click View Forecasted Demand. The Resource Supply and Demand for <Resource_Pool_Name> page opens and displays the following information:

    • Resource capacity of the resource pool.
    • Assigned effort provided by allocated resources or promised resources.
    • Effort demanded from the resource pool.
    • Resource capacity, assigned effort, and demanded effort by role.

    Role Description

    Named Resources

    Maximum amount of effort that can be allocated for named resources.

    Unnamed Resources

    Maximum amount of effort that can be allocated for unnamed resources.

    Total Capacity

    Maximum total amount of effort that can be allocated for named and unnamed resources.

    Total Forecast

    Anticipated demand for named and unnamed resources.

    Note: Total Forecast is calculated based on the position associated pool calendar.

    Soft Booked Resources

    Amount of effort provided by allocated resources that are not yet committed.

    Committed Resources

    Amount of effort provided by allocated resources that are committed.

    Soft Booked Promises

    Amount of effort provided by promised resources that are not yet committed. Viewable if the ENABLE_PROMISE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION parameter is enabled.

    Committed Promises

    Amount of effort provided by promised resources that are committed. Viewable if the ENABLE_PROMISE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION parameter is enabled.

    Total Assignments

    Total effort provided by allocated and promised resources that are soft-booked and committed.

    Note: Total Assignment is calculated based on the assigned resource associated resource calendar. Total Assignment is also calculated based on the project’s Cost and Effort settings:

    • If "Staffing Profile represents the work load imposed by the project" is selected, Total Assignment includes the sum of effort scheduled in the related staffing profiles.
    • If "Work plan task assignments represents the work load imposed by the project" is selected, Total Assignment includes the sum of the effort scheduled in the related work plan.

    Unmet Demand

    Amount of effort needed from unallocated resources. It is shown in different dimensions based on the setting of period type (how the time period is divided) and effort type (how effort is measured).

    Unmet Demand = Total Forecast – Total Assignments

    Note: A special case on unmet demand calculation is on the resource pool view forecasted demand page. The negative unmet (that is, an overbooking on one position) is ignored while showing unmet demand for the entire resource pool. This is because when you focus on the real unmet demand for a resource pool, you may not want the negative unmet demand for position 1 to offset the positive unmet demand for position 2 for a given period.

    For examples about how to use Unmet Demand Calculation in different scenarios, see Unmet demand calculation sample scenarios

    Remaining Capacity

    The available capacity of the selected resource pool.

    Remaining Capacity = Total Capacity – Total Assignments

    Breakdown by Role


    Maximum amount of effort that can be allocated for named resources for the specified role.


    Maximum amount of effort that can be allocated for unnamed resources for the specified role.


    Maximum total amount of effort that can be allocated for named and unnamed resources for the specified role.

    Forecast Total

    Anticipated demand for named, unnamed, and promised resources for the specified role.

    Assigned Total

    Total amount of effort that is allocated for named, unnamed, and promised resources for the specified role.

    Note: For parent resource pools, the capacity line includes the FTEs from all child resource pools as well, which means all roll-up lines are included.

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Adjust resource participation across resource pools

A resource can participate in multiple resource pools simultaneously. You can adjust the distribution of a resource's time across these pools, thereby altering the resource's capacity in each pool.

To adjust a resource's participation across multiple resource pools:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. On the Resource Pool page, click Manage Pool Capacity.

  3. Select the radio button next to a resource and click Manage Participation.

    The Manage Resource Pool Participation page for that user opens, displaying the user's current distribution of participation across resource pools.

  4. Click Add Participation.

  5. In the Add Resource Participation across Resource Pools dialog box, enter a new distribution percentage for each resource pool and specify the Effective Date for the redistribution to take effect.

  6. Click Add to return to the Manage Resource Pool Participation page.

  7. Click Done to return to the Manage Pool Capacity page.

  8. Click Done to return to the Resource Pool page.

See also: