Comparing project capacity to work plan load
The Compare to Work Plan for Project page can be used to compare the forecasts made by the project staffing profile to the task assignments made on the work plan. If the rolled-up scheduled effort from the work plan does not align with the high-level assignments made in the staffing profile, this could be an indication of unbalanced utilization of the resources committed to the project. This is the same page used to compare the actual effort from the work plan with the assigned capacity in the staffing profile.
Compare to Work Plan for Project
The Compare to Work Plan for Project page displays a data table for a staffing profile that can be broken down by role or resource.
The page shows a different set of details depending on which view is chosen, listed in Table 5-2. Details available in Compare to Work Plan for Project page.
Open the Compare to Work Plan for Project page by clicking Compare to Work Plan in the Staffing Profile page. The data in the Compare to Work Plan for Project page can also be exported to a Microsoft Excel file for use in presentations or for further analysis. To export the Compare to Work Plan for Project page to a Microsoft Excel file, click the Export to Excel link.
Note: If you are having problems with the data in Excel, you may need to configure the Internet options of your Web browser. See the Project Management User’s Guide for more information.
Work Plan Resource Usage View
The Resource Usage page for work plans allows you to view the load placed on each resource by the work plan, broken down by task by day.
Open the Resource Usage page by clicking Actions at the top of the Work Plan page and selecting Resource Usage. For more details on the Resource Usage page, see the Project Management User Guide.