View team demand

This topic describes how to view team demand from the Demand tab.


The Demand tab provides team managers with the following information:

  • The positions that request resource assignment from your team and its sub-teams.

  • Your team assignment to these positions.


You must meet the following requirements to access the Demand tab:

  • You have the Edit Resource Pools or Edit All Resource Pools access grant.

  • You are the team manager, or the manager of its parent team.

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View team demand

The Demand tab lists the positions that request resource assignment from your team or its sub-teams, for a specific time period.

Specify a time period.

The Demand tab lists the positions that have resource demand from your team or its sub-teams, for the specified period.

Total unmet demand of all the listed positions.

Information of the demand. The following information is displayed by default:

  • Position. The position that has resource demand from your team or its sub-teams.

  • Staffing profile. The staffing profile to which the position belongs.

  • Status. The status of the position.

  • Role. The role requested by the position.

  • Team. The team from which the position requests resource demand.

You can use the Choose columns button to display more information of the demand, such as staffing profile start period and status. For details, see Choose columns. You can also group or filter the team demand. For details, see Common UI elements.

If a position is followed by Assign buttons, it means this position has unmet demand from your team and its sub-teams. You can take appropriate actions to respond to this demand. For details, see Assign team resources.

Total unmet demand of a specific position.

The cell color indicates the fulfillment of the position's demand. You can customize the coloring to align with your situation. For details, see Customize team coloring.

If the cell is grayed out and has no value, it means this position has no demand for the time period.

You can specify the following:

  • How the demand is measured, in Hours, Person Days, or FTE. For details, see Effort type.

  • How the capacity is displayed, by Week, Month, Quarter, or Year. For details, see Period type.

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View team and resource assignments

From the Demand tab, you can view your team assignments to position demand, and assignment details of a specific resource within the team.

Action Details

View team assignments to a position

If a position has a triangle before it, it indicates that this position has resource assignment from your team or its sub-teams.

Expand the position to view detailed assignment information, including assigned resource name, role, team, resource type, status, and assigned effort.

You can adjust the assigned effort, remove an assignment, or change its status. For details, see Adjust allocation of an assignment and Remove an assignment or change its status.

View assignment details of a resource

Click a resource's name to open the Resource Capacity with Assignments dialog box, which provides a list of assignments and total capacity for the selected resource within the current team. You can adjust the resource's assigned effort or change assignment status directly in this dialog box. For details, see Adjust allocation of an assignment and Remove an assignment or change its status.

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