Configure OpenText PPM for integration with Service Manager

To configure PPM for integration with Service Manager, do the following:

  1. Install and configure OpenText Application Quality Management module.

    1. (Recommended but not required) Set your PPM Server to Restricted mode.

      1. Stop your PPM server.

      2. Run the following command:

        cd c:\ppm\bin
        sh ./ RESTRICTED
      3. Restart your PPM server.

        In cluster environment, make sure there is only one administrator performing the configuration tasks.

    2. (Optional) Deploy the OpenText Application Quality Management bundle by running the following command:

      cd c:\ppm\bin
      sh ./ -i ALM

      The "Deployment ALM has been successfully installed." message displays.

      Note: You can use the old version of OpenText Application Quality Management bundle even if PPM is upgraded to a later version.

    3. Modify the Contact User Data user data.

      1. Click the Administration button in the masthead.

      2. From the Administration menu, select Workbench > Open Workbench on Desktop.

      3. From the shortcut bar, select Configuration > User Data.

        The User Data Workbench opens.

      4. Click List, locate Contact User Data in the Results tab, and click Open.

      5. On the Fields tab, click New.

        The Field: New dialog pops up.

      6. Provide values for the new field as follows:

        Field Prompt:Location
        Description:Added for ALM integration
        Validation:Text Field - 40
        User Data Col:USER_DATA1

      7. Click OK.

      8. Click Save.

    4. Modify the CRT - Priority - Enabled validation.

      1. From the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, select Configuration > Validations.

        The Validation Workbench opens.

      2. Click List, locate CRT - Priority - Enabled in the Results tab, and click Open.

        The Validation : CRT - Priority - Enabled dialog pops up.

      3. Click New.

        The Add Validation Value dialog pops up.

      4. Add new validation values as follows:

        New Code

        New Meaning







      5. Click OK.

      6. Click Save.

    5. Create OpenText Application Quality Management related security groups.

      1. From the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, select Sys Admin > Security Groups.

        The Security Group Workbench opens.

      2. Click New Security Group.

      3. Type ALM - Application Developer in the Name field and provide other values as necessary.

      4. Click OK.

      5. Repeat step iii and step iv to create the following security groups:

        ALM - Applications Development Manager
        ALM - CAB group (Change Advisory Board)
        ALM - Change Builder
        ALM - Change Manager
        ALM - Customer
        ALM - IT Executive Board
        ALM - Independent Tester
        ALM - Operations Manager
        ALM - QA Manager
        ALM - Release Manager
        ALM - SOX - System Owner

    6. Remove unnecessary Request Header Type Field Groups.

      1. From the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, select Demand Mgmt > Request Header Type.

        The Request Header Type Workbench opens.

      2. Click List, locate ALM - Request for Change (RFC) in the Results tab, and click Open.

      3. Click Field Groups.

      4. Uncheck the following field groups:

        CMDB Application
        MAM Impact Analysis
        QC/ALM Info

      5. Click OK.

      6. Click Save.

      7. Click OK.

    7. Create a OpenText PPM integration user account.

      1. From the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, select Sys Admin > Users.

        The Users Workbench opens.

      2. Click New User and provide values for the new user as follows:

        Username: SM_PPM_INT
        First Name:SM_PPM
        Last Name:Interface
        Password: <Your_Password>
        New password on login:No
        Application Licenses:Demand Management

      3. Click Save.

      4. Go to the Security Groups tab, click New and add the following security groups:

        PPM User
        PPM Demand Manager

      5. Click Save.

      6. Click OK twice.

    8. Set your PPM server back to Normal mode.

      1. Stop your PPM Server.

      2. Run the following command:

        cd c:\ppm\bin
        sh ./ NORMAL
    9. Modify the server.conf file.

      1. Open the server.conf file in Notepad.
      2. Append the following directives and save the file:

      3. Run the following command:

        cd bin
        sh ./
  2. Encrypt the SM_PPM_INT user's password.

    1. Run the following command:

      cd c:\ppm\bin
      sh ./ <PPM_User_Password> 
    2. Save the resulting encrypted string.

      You would need to specify the PPM Integration user password (enclosed with the #!# character delimiters) in the "*.settings" files later.

  3. Setup configuration files for Service Manager=>OpenText PPM direction.

    1. Run the following command:

      cd c:\ppm\conf\sdi 
      cp serviceManger-adapter.settings1 serviceManager-adapter.settings 
    2. Edit the serviceManager-adapter.settings file.

      1. In the <connector> section, set the following:

        • timeZone=<Same_As_PPM_SM_TIME_Zone_settings>

          For example, timeZone=US/Pacific; preferred GMT-08:00 format.

        • userName=<SM_USER_ID>

          For example, userName=SM_PPM_INT

          Make sure this account exists on Service Manager application.

        • password=<CLEAR_TEXT_SM_USER_ID_PASSWORD>

          For example, password=<plain SM password, or encrypted SM password>

          We recommend that you use encrypted SM password.

        • serviceUrl=http://<SMC_WEB_SERVICES_URL>:<PORT>/sc62server/PWS/
      2. In the <convertor> section, change scripts=convertSMToPPM.js.sample to scripts=convertSMToPPM.js.
      3. In the <sender> section, set the following:

        • userName=<SMC_USER_ID>

          For example, userName=SM_PPM_INT

          Make sure this account exists on OpenText PPM application.

        • password=<![CDATA[insert encrypted password string]]>

          For example, password=<![CDATA[<encrypted password

          Note: Do not enclose the password with #!#.

        • requestType=ALM - Request For Change (RFC)

          Note: If you changed the request type for this integration, make sure to change the request type name here accordingly.

  4. Setup configuration files for OpenText PPM=>Service Manager direction.

    1. Run the following command:

      cd c:\ppm\conf\sdi 
      cp ppm-sm-adapter.settings1 ppm-sm-adapter.settings
    2. Edit the ppm-sm-adapter.settings file.

      1. In the <connector> section, set the following:

        • requestType=ALM - Request For Change (RFC)

          Note: If you changed the request type for this integration, make sure to change the request type name here accordingly.

        • userName=<SMC_USER_ID>

          For example, userName=SM_PPM_INT

          Make sure this account exists on OpenText PPM application.

        • password=<![CDATA[insert encrypted password string]]>

          For example, password=<![CDATA[<>encrypted password string>]>

          Note: Do not enclose the password with "#!#".

        • requestStatusNames=<List_of_comma-separated_PPM_Request_statuses>

          The value is the statuses of requests to be synchronized to SM. The statuses are separated by commas.

          For example, requestStatusNames=new, in progress, on hold, complete

      2. In the <convertor> section, change scripts=convertPPMtoSM.js.sample to scripts=convertPPMtoSM.js.
      3. In the <sender> section, set the following:

        • userName=<SMC_USER_ID>

          For example, userName=SM_PPM_INT

          Make sure this account exists on OpenText PPM application.

        • password=<CLEAR_TEXT_SM_USER_ID_PASSWORD>

          For example, password=<plain SM password>

        • timzeZone=<Same_As_PPM_SM_TIME_Zone_settings>

          For example, timeZone=US/Pacific; preferred GMT-08:00 format.

        • serviceUrl=http://<SMC_WEB_SERVICES_URL>:<PORT>/sc62server/PWS/

    3. Edit the js files in the c:\ppm\sdi\ppm-sm-adapter.ext directory: convertPPMToSM.js and convertSMToPPM.js.

      Add the following value:

      1. Find the following line:

        serviceManagerRFC.setField(PPMURL,"http://localhost:<PPM_PORT>/itg/web/knta/crt/RequestDetail.jsp?REQUEST_ID=" + ppmRFC.get("REQ-REQUEST_ID")); 
      2. Replace <PPM_PORT> with your port number.

      3. Save the modified file.

    4. Compile the Web Services stub.

      Caution: You must recompile the Web Services stub if you modified the *.settings, convertRequest.js file, or tailored Service Manager web services schema.

      1. Open a Command Prompt window by typing cmd in the Start > Run dialog and click Open.

      2. Run the following command:

        cd c:/ppm/bin/sdi
      3. Run the following command:

        kGenerateServiceCenterStub.bat http://<SMC_WEB_SERVICES_URL>:<PORT>/sc62server/PWS/ChangeManagement?wsdl <KINTANA_SERVER_NAME> 

        For example,

        kGenerateServiceCenterStub.bat http://sm28p-01.infra.mms:13087/sc62server/PWS/ChangeManagement.wsdl app

        The following message displays after the stub is generated:

        Stub generated successfully
  5. (Optional) For cluster setup, do the following:

    1. Compress the entire c:\PPM folder into a zip file and copy it onto other members the first time.

    2. For subsequent changes, copy the following folders to all cluster members at the same directory location:

      • c:\ppm\sdi-persistency folder

      • c:\ppm\conf\sdi directory

    3. If there are subsequent changes, do not forget to regenerate the Web service stubs on all cluster members.

      For more information about generating Web service stubs, see Generate web service stubs .

  6. Restart your PPM Servers.

  7. Validate the following:

    1. The PPM ALM Startup Service is running.

      1. From the Administration menu, select Sys Admin > Schedule Services.
      2. The Schedule Services page opens.

      3. Check that the ALM Startup service is running.

    2. Check the c:\ppm\sdi-persistency folder.

      1. You should see .ser, .properties, .log, .data files related to serviceManager-adapter.
      2. You should see .ser, .properties, .log, .data, files related to ppm-sm-adapter.

      3. If files are missing, the possible error is with the ".settings" file.

      4. Date for these files should be recent.

      Tip: This folder is generated automatically by the system after the configuration completes. It stores the real configuration files and JS files to be called by the system later. If you modified any configuration file or JS file in the <PPM_Home>/conf/ folder after this sdi-persistency folder is created, for the changes you made to take effect, make sure you delete the sdi-persistency folder before restarting your PPM Servers.