Notes about the mapping relationship between PPM project and OpenText Application Quality Management release
The mapping relationships between PPM projects and OpenText Application Quality Management releases are stored in the related requests. You may use the SQL below to find related project mappings.
SELECT p.PRJ_PROJECT_ID, p.project_name, vqm.vqm_server_id, vqm.vqm_domain, vqm.vqm_project, vqm.vqm_release_id, vqm.vqm_release FROM KCRT_FG_VQM_INFO vqm, KCRT_FG_PFM_PROJECT p WHERE p.request_id = vqm.request_id AND p.prj_project_id is not null AND vqm.vqm_release_id is not null
Workaround for mapping one PPM project to multiple OpenText Application Quality Management releases
One-one mapping relationship is supported between a PPM project and an OpenText Application Quality Management release. If your organization has the business need for mapping one PPM project to multiple releases, you can follow the workaround below:
Create PPM Project A for linking to one OpenText Application Quality Management release.
Create PPM Master Project B, and then add task for PPM Project A.
Set Project A as reference in the task.
Create portlet types to display the quality statistics in Master Project B.